A River Might Run Through It Again: Criteria for Consideration of Dam Removal and Interim Lessons from California
    出展  Environmental Management, Nov 2001 Vol. 28, No. 5, Pg. 561 (15)HOME
    著者  Pejchar, Liba and Keith Warner.
Undamming Rivers: A Review of the Ecological Impacts of Dam Removal.
    出展  Environmental Management. June 2001 Vol. 27, No. 6, Pg. 803-814.HOME
    著者  Angela.T. Bednarek
Assessment Using GIS and Sediment Routing of the Proposed Removal of Ballville Dam, Sandusky River, Ohio
    出展  Journal of the American Water Resources Association, December 2002. Vol. 38, No. 6, Pg. 1549-1565HOME DAMR
    著者  James E. Evans, Norman S. Levine, Sheila J. Roberts, and Johan F.,Newman, Diane M. Gottgens
Bringing Down Our Dams: Trends in American Dam Removal Rationales.
    出展  Journal of the American Water Resources Association,, Dec 2002,, Vol. 38, No. 6, Pg. 1511-1519HOME DAMR
    著者  Molly M. Pohl
Geomorphic Analogies for Assessing Probable Channel Response to Dam Removal
    出展  Journal of the American Water Resources Association  December2002 Vol.38,No.6 1567-1579
    著者  Martin W.Doyle,Emily H.Stanly,and Jon M.harbor
A Special Section on Dam Removal and River Restoration
    出展  BioScience August2002 VOL.52,No.8 653-655HOME DAMR
    著者  David D.Hart and N.Leroy Poff
How Dams Very and Why it Matters for the Emerging Science of Dam Removal
    出展  BioScience August2002 VOL.52,No.8 659-668HOME DAMR
    著者  N.Leroy Pof f and David D.Hart
Dam Removal:Challenges and Opportunities For Ecological Research and River Restoration
    出展  BioScience August2002 VOL.52,No.8 669~681 HOME DAMR
    著者  David D.Hart,Thomas E.Johnson,Karen L.Bushaw-Newton,Richard J.horwitz,
       Angela T.Bednarek,Donald F.Charles,Daniel A.Kreeger ,and David J.Velinsky
Dam removal in the U.S.: Emerging needs for science and policy
    出展  EOS 2003  January Vol.84  No.4 29-33
    著者  Doyle. M.W., E.H. Stanley, J.M. Harbor, and G.S. Grant
Trading off: the ecological effects of dam removal
    出展  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment2003 1: 15-22.
    著者  Stanley, E.H., and M.W. Doyle
A geomorphic perspective on nutrient retention following dam removal
    出展  BioScience 2002 52(8): 693-701
    著者  Stanley, E.H., and M.W. Doyle
Towards policies and decision making for dam removal
    出展  Environmental Management   April2003 Vol.31,No.4 453-465 HOME
    著者  Martin W.Doyle,Emily H.Stanly,and Jon M.harbor
The Complex Decisionmaking Process for Removing Dams    
    出展  Environment,May 2002 Vol. 44, No. 4, Pg. 20 ~31HOME
    著者  Sarah K. Baish, Sheila D. David, William L. Graf.
Short-term changes in channel form and macroinvertebrate communities following low-head dam removal in the Baraboo River,Wisconsin.
    著者  Emily H.Stanley,Michelle.A. Luebke,Martin.W. Doyle , and David.W. Marshall
    出展  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 2002  21: 172-187
Channel adjustments following two dam removals in Wisconsin.
    著者  Doyle, M.W., E.H. Stanley, and J.M. Harbor
    出展  Water Resources Research 2003 39(1), 1011, doi: 10.1029/2002WR001714.



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